Silhouette Care
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A potent nutraceutical with a slimming and anti-cellulite effect, formulated with a mixture of extracts and ingredients to fight cellulite and localized fat from the inside.
The effectivity of Selulit® lies on its ingredients, which targets the main cause of cellulite, preventing and treating it:
- Activates lipolysis: burning of fat from the adipocyte (fat cell) reducing the size of the nodules that cause the skin to bulge.
- Drains toxins accumulated in the affected tissue.
- Improves micro-circulation: The thickening of adipocytes damages the circulation that waters the tissue with nutrients, causing the loss of elasticity of the connective tissue, which becomes rigid, pulls the skin inward and causes "dimples".
- Reduces inflammation and decongestion of damaged tissue.
If you are suffering from cellulite, Glo provides you with all the weapons so you can eliminate it. Combine Selulit® with the use of Glo 910 reducing massage, to enhance the effect of both.
Modo de uso
2 capsules a day, preferably a few minutes before breakfast or first meal. 60 capsule. Full treatment for 1 month.

Natural Extractors
Natural extracts that promote the burning of installed and localized body fat.

Powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation of the tissue affected by cellulite

Té Verde
Activates micro-circulation, improving the oxygenation of cellulite tissue.

L-Carnitina & Linoleic Acid
Promotes weight loss by using fat to transform it into energy
Listado de Ingredientes
Ingredientes: L-Carnitine, Horsetail, Linoleic Acid, Green Tea, Green Coffee, Cocoa, Guarana, Turmeric, Pycnogenol®, Ginger
Qué incluye
- 60 CAPSULES (Full treatment of 1 month)
The secret? Acts on cellulite from the inside

Fat burning.

Natural ingredients.

Acts from the inside.
They talk about us

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