Como Eliminar la Celulitis en Casa de Forma Profesional

How to Eliminate Cellulite at Home Professionally

Cellulite is in the 'top ten' of aesthetic concerns among women. Eliminating it is not easy, but it is not impossible either. At Glo we advocate for comprehensive treatments, that is, the combination of advanced appliances for home use with cutting-edge cosmetics and natural nustricosmetics, with extra care at home that helps, enhances and keeps cellulite at bay.

Next, we discover some tips that our medical collaborators tell us, that you can do from home to try to reduce and improve cellulite.

STEP 1: Discover habits that favor the appearance of cellulite and the accumulation of fat.

The first thing is to put on the table all those things that we do wrong. Without realizing it, we can carry out certain unhealthy habits on a daily basis, which favor the appearance of cellulite. Poor hydration, lack of exercise and poor nutrition favor the appearance of "orange peel" skin.

The idea is to be aware of what habits we should avoid, so as not to carry them out regularly.

1.1. Foods that favor the appearance of cellulite

There are certain foods that have a negative impact on our figure and our health, which is the most important thing. Prepared dishes, salty snacks, charcuterie and refined sugars, pastries, and fried food... favor this unsightly problem, if they are part of our usual diet.

Fried Food 

Its power to accumulate fat is such that it is one of the main reasons that cause orange peel skin. The thighs or butt are the most affected.


Far from hydrating, alcoholic beverages cause constriction of blood vessels, aggravating the problem of cellulite. If you feel like having a beer or a glass of wine from time to time, nothing happens, but avoid drinking it with every meal, replacing the water.


Refined sugar accumulates in certain parts of the body, transforming into fat. If you drink coffee, try to get used to not drinking it with sugar, avoid soft drinks with a high percentage of sugar and pastries.

Baked Goods

This type of pastry contains saturated fats and sugar, a bomb for your body. Ice creams with cream and sugar are also a calorie bomb, try not to overdo it in summer.


Avoid taking some salty snacks, chips with carbonated soft drinks, for example. This snack is fried with a high salt content, and a soft drink has so much sugar that the liver is not able to process it and transforms it into fat and cholesterol.

STEP 2: Discover some simple habits that will help you eliminate cellulite

2.1. Beauty routine to remove cellulite

  • Cold water shower: it helps us activate the circulation of the legs. The recommended thing is to endure about 5 minutes in which we travel from the ankle to the thigh. Cheer up brave! It's hard at first but then you feel super good.
  • Anti-cellulite massages: by acting on the muscles and lymphatic vessels, we manage to eliminate liquids and localized fat. This massage is not easy to perform, but you can help yourself with our Glo910 device, designed to faithfully reproduce the massage with proven efficacy. It will help you do it right and be consistent, because it is very, very easy.reducing and anti-cellulite massage with glo910
  • Dry body exfoliation: eliminates dead cells, improves blood circulation, activates lymphatic drainage and prevents cellulite. You can do this with a natural bristle brush. You can help yourself with the Glo910 Body Brush exfoliating head, in just 10 minutes you will have a professional exfoliation without any effort. Dry brushing activates circulation and, by removing dead cells, allows body creams to penetrate better. dry brushing to reduce cellulite
  • Anti-cellulite creams: At Glo we have high-end cosmetics and we recommend applying them twice a day with a gentle massage, better after performing the anti-cellulite massage with the Glo910 device. Oil 910 reducing oil is wonderful, a natural botanical oil loaded with essential oils for a SPA experience, which fills you with energy while smoothing orange peel skin.

2.2. Foods to prevent cellulite

  • Fruits for cellulite: Potassium-rich fruits such as bananas are recommended as they promote diuresis. Therefore, they prevent water retention and promote healthy blood circulation. Strawberries, blackberries and raspberries are also excellent anti-cellulite and antioxidant fruits.
  • Vegetables for cellulite: Onion is one of the best natural diuretics. It has a draining and detoxifying effect that helps eliminate toxins, activate circulation and reduces blood sugar levels. It is also recommended to take vegetables that contain bioflavonoids that help strengthen capillaries, preventing the appearance of "orange peel" such as zucchini, celeri, mushrooms, potatoes, artichokes, asparagus, carrots, lamb's lettuce, pumpkin, Swiss chard... are also rich in potassium.
  • Legumes: Legumes, especially lentils and quinoa, contain protein that helps the body build muscle instead of fat.
  • Blue fish: it is rich in omega 3, a type of fat that is good for the body that, among other things, has an anti-inflammatory effect and promotes blood circulation, which is why its consumption helps prevent or improve cellulite.
  • Water: drinking water is necessary to eliminate toxins and fat. Contrary to popular belief, not drinking enough water favors fluid retention.
  • Drinks to avoid: Coffee and alcohol as they dehydrate.
  • Infusions: they help us purify, such as artichoke, horsetail or dandelion. Discover Glo's infusions and slimming teas, two programs formulated with organic extracts and calibrated by experts to help you activate fat burning and liquid elimination during the day or at night. Glo's natural draining infusion

2.3. Exercises to reduce cellulite

  • Skipping rope like a professional boxer!: It is one of the most complete exercises, as it involves the whole body, especially the legs, very aerobic. You will be able to burn a high number of calories in a short time without leaving home.
  • Exercised with strength: Strength work increases muscle mass, decreases our body fat and thus increases our metabolism, which positively interferes with the reduction of cellulite”. You can use elastic bands to increase intensity and strength.
  • Squats: add a session of squats with several repetitions to your daily routine. If you want to add more intensity, use elastic bands.
  • Walks at fast speed: 30 min/day is enough, but better if you get to 1h. You can make it more intense by adding ankle weights. Climb the stairs with the weights when you get home and forget about the elevator!
  • Strides: The longer the step taken, the more load we will put on the muscle. These resistance exercises help create muscle mass and eliminate cellulite on the legs and buttocks.
  • Lateral steps: with buttock rubber located above the knees.

2.4. The latest nutricosmetics!
Boost results take care of yourself from the inside with specific supplements designed to act where you need it most, from fat burners, drainers, firmness stimulators, natural moisturizers... the advantage, they act from the inside at the cellular level. Its results are not short-term, they are usually seen after 3 months of use. At Glo, we know this, and we offer nutricosmetics that can help you according to your needs, always natural, without additives, sugars, etc., pure extracts and patented ingredients to ensure results. Nutricosmetics to take care of the figure

Why not take advantage of the time you are at home to put an end to that aesthetic issue that makes you self-conscious? You can create the habits that will help you achieve it and eliminate the 'orange peel skin 💪🏻 Cheer up, let nothing stop you! 💪🏻.